Sunday, November 11, 2007

Juxtaposition, part 1

Well, this weekend I rented my guest house. My tenant is a U of A student (that might be a first) - he works at the bar on the corner, and the school is about half a mile away, so the location is great for him. I guess he liked it and seemed fine with the price because he barely looked at the place before he decided to sign a year lease.

Yesterday I got the bar back in there from Lowski's room, and I did some other things around the house, fixing broken toilet seats, replacing light bulbs, etc. I also called DirecTV to get another receiver installed for the guest house (which I've been meaning to do for a while). My discussion with DirecTV is a rant for another blog post, but they're coming Tuesday morning to install the receiver and "update" my receivers to DVRs.

I hope the DirecTV guys don't get delayed, because Wednesday morning I'm on my way to Dallas for BGG.con! It's a big open gaming convention, where about 500 people from all over the country (even a couple from across the ocean) get together for 4 days of hanging out and playing board games. I'm really looking forward to it, and while there I'm going to be showing some of my designs to people in general, and 2 publishers in particular. Who knows, maybe they'll like one of them enough to consider publishing it!

So everything's going pretty well. Well, several things are going well anyway. I get to play some of the new games that just came out at the Essen game fair last month, I get to see my childhood friend Brian again and meet his second son Reagan, I get to hang out and play games with Steph and company. In general I think things are going pretty well right now.

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