Friday, July 13, 2012

Monthly Recap - June 2012

It's been over a month since my last recap, so I guess it's time to take a look at what June had in store. According to google calendar I didn't have much going on - but then I haven't gotten all that good at utilizing google calendar (I think I'm getting better about it though). Bi-weekly meetings for SAGA (Southern Arizona Gamers Association) continued in an effort to keep RinCon progress on track. But the most notable thing was my annual trip to Seattle for Potlatch.

I haven't been playing Frisbee since February because my hip has been hurting. It started hurting about a year ago, but only sometimes, like if I moved it a certain way. I figured I'd injured it playing Frisbee, but I didn't like that it didn't seem to be getting better. After a little tournament in February I could barely walk, so I decided to give it a rest. Months of not running on it and several trips to the chiropractor made it hurt less, but it just wasn't getting better. A couple weeks ago I got an X-ray, and the radiologist diagnosed Moderate Joint Degeneration. It appears I've got some degeneration and a little bone spurring in there. This has been fairly depressing news, and it's got me thinking about retiring from Frisbee. I was worried it would ruin Potlatch for me as well. The good news is that, for whatever reason, my hip held up all weekend! I don't know if it was the softer ground in Seattle, adrenaline, or shear force of will - but I was able to run all weekend! Sure, I was slow, out of shape, and not 100%, but at least I was able to do it.

In other news, as I mentioned before, my house was robbed, and that inspired me to sell most of my board games. The auction went pretty well. I suppose it could have gone better if I'd promoted it more, but I wasn't in the right mind frame to promote it, and I'm happy to recover some cash anyway. My grandmother was nice enough to replace some toys for me as well :)

But it's not all gloom and doom... speaking of new toys, I did get a new car. Well, new to me. It's a 2010 Honda Accord Crosstour, and so far I like it a lot.

In addition to my hip holding up, I also got to catch up with a bunch of friends on my Seattle trip - including Rif, Mohan, Runjith, Sean, Jeremy, Amelia, Aaron, Emily, and of course Renee, Matt, Jonah, and I even got to meet my brand new niece Eliana!

After Seattle I flew directly to Ann Arbor for something called Protospiel - a meetup of game designers to play prototypes. I have been wanting to go for years, but because of the proximity to the Seattle trip, I haven't been able to make it. Last year I attended for the first time, and this year I returned. I was a little skeptical, thought I might be under-prepared or something, that it might turn out to be a big waste of time... I'm happy to report that it was NOT a waste of time, I had a very productive time at Protospiel :)

Finally, there's some recent TMG news I don't think I've mentioned. Things are going pretty well at TMG, despite some art delays on Kings of Air and Steam...
* Village, a game TMG is importing to the US from Germany, has won the Kennerspiel Des Jahres - which is like the German Game of the Year award. It's a really big deal, and it certainly won't hurt TMG! It looks like we picked a winner to pick up there.
* The Kickstarter project for Ground Floor was very successful, raising over $116,000! The manufacturing of Ground Floor and Skyline (another game by the same designer, which is included for Kickstarter supporters) is underway.
* People are receiving For The Win (TMG's latest game to arrive), and they seem to be liking it.

That's about it! See you next month...

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